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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

De-stigmatize disabilities

By Cody Laplante | January 29, 2013

So we’ve all heard of the “F” word, the “B” word and the “N” word. Well what about the “R” word? That’s right--“retarded.” How many times a day do you use it? We have all heard of the campaign “Spread the word to end the word,”...

A judgemental society is not productive

By Cody Laplante | October 29, 2012

How many times a day are you judged based on your looks? How many times a day do you judge someone’s appearance? In both cases, the numbers are probably too high to count. When I walk to class, I know that I judge everyone I pass, putting them into...

iPad mini not worth the buzz

By Troy Doetch | October 28, 2012

Please do me a solid and stop talking about greatness of the iPad mini, which almost sold out in preorder this weekend. It’s sick. And not in a good way, like, “Shoot, bro, your slacklining skills are sick.” No, the iPad mini and its buzz is making...

Society is becoming desensitized to school violence

Society is becoming desensitized to school violence

By Portia Kerr-Newman | May 1, 2011

School violence happens every day in every state, whether it is a fight, a school shooting or just general bullying. Just recently, I heard of a kindergartner bringing a gun to school in Texas. The gun fell out of the young boy's pants and went off,...

There needs to be a cap on individual net worth

There needs to be a cap on individual net worth

By Aaron Brooks | April 24, 2011

If money is finite, then hoarding money is a crime. I remember when I was in Sunday School and my youth leader, David Pauley, asked one day, "If a genie gave you three wishes, what would they be?" I responded, "To fly, have world peace (my Jesus answer)...

The double standard in censorship of body types

The double standard in censorship of body types

By Taurean Small | April 12, 2011

Star tennis players Venus and Serena Williams are known for their provocative attitudes. Evident in their tennis outfits, both women tend to push boundaries when it comes to their work. Subsequently, they are powerful figures in the sports industry,...

Freedom on Facebook leads to a more open, honest society

Freedom on Facebook leads to a more open, honest society

March 30, 2011

"Life is good," "Life sucks," pictures of people passed out, pictures of you eating an ice cream cone, pictures of you hiding behind some creepy guy to point at him and ironically tag him later as being creepy, links to Lil B's "Wonton Soup," joining...

Hateful rhetoric should not be considered free speech

By Kathryn Minniti | March 23, 2011

Apparently the U.S. Supreme Court believes our Constitution allows the members of the Westboro Baptist Church to spew their hateful, homophobic slurs at military funerals. Their signs say things like "Thank God for Dead Soldiers" and "No Tears for Queers."...

The media's portrayal of women imposes an impossible standard

The media’s portrayal of women imposes an impossible standard

By Kathryn Minniti | February 23, 2011

Fashion designer Ralph Lauren recently fired a female model because she was "too fat," even though she was a size 4. Stories like this point to a problem across our country with women and their body image. According to the American research group Anorexia...