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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Kaitlyn King (left) and Joe Palmer, recipients of the 2014 Forward, Together Forward Scholarship, lay flowers by Gayle Dubowski’s memorial stone at a ceremony Saturday. The ceremony honored those lost when gunman Steven Kazmierczak killed five students before killing himself on Feb. 14, 2008, in Cole Hall. The scholarship is given to students who best embody the qualities of the shooting victims.

Community honors Feb. 14 victims

By Nick Smith | February 16, 2015

Kaitlyn King (left) and Joe Palmer, recipients of the 2014 Forward, Together Forward Scholarship, lay flowers by Gayle Dubowski’s memorial stone at a ceremony Saturday. The ceremony honored those lost when gunman Steven Kazmierczak killed five students...

Kaitlyn King (left) and Joe Palmer, recipients of the 2014 Forward, Together Forward Scholarship, lay flowers by Gayle Dubowski’s memorial stone at a ceremony Saturday. The ceremony honored those lost when gunman Steven Kazmierczak killed five students before killing himself on Feb. 14, 2008, in Cole Hall. The scholarship is given to students who best embody the qualities of the shooting victims.

Community honors Feb. 14, 2008, victims with moment of silence

By Kelly Bauer | February 16, 2015

The families of the Feb. 14, 2008, shooting victims were accompanied by friends and community members at a quiet remembrance ceremony Saturday.At 3:06 p.m., they listened as NIU’s bell chimed five times. They looked at each name — Gayle Dubowski,...

Loved ones of the five victims of the Feb. 14, 2008, shootings put roses on the Cole Hall memorial during the wreath-laying ceremony in 2013.

Moment of silence to be held to honor Feb. 14, 2008, shooting victims

By Northern Star staff | January 28, 2015

A moment of silence will be held for the victims of the Feb. 14, 2008, shooting, on that date this year, according to an NIU Today news release.The tolling of five bells will occur at 3:06 p.m., according to the release, in remembrance of the five students...

Officer Maria Christiansen, a survivor of the Feb. 14, 2008, NIU shooting, works in the NIU Police Department.

Feb. 14 survivor works as NIU officer

By Kelley Byrne | March 25, 2014

Officer Maria Christiansen has been with the NIU Police Department for five years this month, but the road to becoming an officer was not easy.On February 14, 2008, Christiansen’s life changed forever. She was one of more than 100 students in a Cole...

We all feel loss of Feb. 14, 2008 shooting

By Danny Cozzi | February 16, 2014

Friday’s chilling winds accompanied memories of the Feb. 14, 2008, tragedy among the NIU community.At 3:06 p.m. the five bells remembering the five victims — Gayle Dubowski, Catalina Garcia, Julianna Gehant, Ryanne Mace and Daniel Parmenter — rang...

Loved ones of the five victims of the Feb. 14, 2008, shootings put roses on the Cole Hall memorial during the wreath-laying ceremony in 2013.

Make this a week of awareness

By Northern Star Editorial Board | February 10, 2014

This is Part 1 in a five-part series. Read: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5This Friday will mark the six-year anniversary of the Feb. 14, 2008, shooting, which left five students and the shooter dead.Every day this week, the Northern Star Editorial...

Loved ones of the five victims of the Feb. 14, 2008, shootings put roses on the Cole Hall memorial during the wreath-laying ceremony in 2013.

NIU remembers students at wreath-laying ceremony

By Robert Baird | February 14, 2013

Gov. Pat Quinn, NIU President John Peters, students and community members came together Thursday to remember the lives lost Feb. 14, 2008. They presented memorial wreaths at 3 p.m. at the Forward, Together Forward Memorial Garden outside of Cole Hall....

First responders helped bring NIU, DeKalb communities together

By Joe Palmer | February 14, 2013

Ryanne Mace would be 24 years old today and Julianna Gehant would be 37. Catalina Garcia, Gayle Dubowski and Daniel Parmenter would be 25. Their stories and their lives have been chronicled, cherished and shared over the past five years. This time has...

DeKalb in second place in ‘Bully’ premiere online campaign

By Melissa Mastrogiovanni | March 25, 2012

Last week, partners of MTV launched an online campaign to encourage community members to vote in a contest which would allow DeKalb to premiere a documentary about bullying. The film, Bully, is an independent documentary that follows the lives of five...

 A woman leaves flowers at the memorial stone of Dan Parmenter
Tuesday afternoon during the Memorial Wreath ceremony outside of
Cole Hall.

NIU community gathers for wreath laying ceremony at Cole Hall

By Linze Griebenow | February 14, 2012

On a somber Valentine's Day, Joe Dubowski, father of fallen Huskie Gayle Dubowski, pointed to the a Forward, Together Forward Memorial Garden stone and said, "That's my daughter." Tuesday, NIU students and faculty gathered to reflect on the events of...

A wreath rests next to the Feb. 14 Memorial Sunday afternoon.
The presentation of the Memorial Wreaths will take place at 3 p.m.
Tuesday outside Cole Hall.

Students: Feb. 14 shooting brought NIU closer together

By Felix Sarver | February 13, 2012

Though many students were not attending NIU on Feb. 14, 2008, those who have joined the community since then are still reminded of the tragedy.That day - when Steven Kazmierczak entered a class in Cole Hall and opened fire, killing five students and injuring...