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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Common Core needs to be revamped

By Noah Thornburgh | February 14, 2019

If education is about raising humans, then the Common Core needs a revamp. Otherwise, the next generation may be more machine than man.The Common Core State Standards Initiative started in 2010 as a way to promote country-wide learning standards for K-12...

Testing on animals leads to important medical breakthroughs

Testing on animals leads to important medical breakthroughs

By Nathan Fulkerson | April 6, 2011

Animal rights activists are often concerned with the conditions of animals undergoing experimentation for medical research. That concern, while understandable, often comes with demands to put an end to animal testing. However, as long as the only alternative...

Testing on animals is unreliable and unethical

Testing on animals is unreliable and unethical

By Kathryn Minniti | April 6, 2011

When there is a debate about whether testing drugs on animals is ethical, one of the main arguments proponents use is that it has helped alleviate the suffering of people through the medical advances made in testing labs. That is not the case at all....