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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Graduation cap sits on $100 bills. The U.S. Department of Education withheld over $7 million to the Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority for sending late billing statements to over 800,000 borrowers. (Getty Image)

U.S. Department of Education withholds funds from loan authority

By Kalin Schaefer, Assistant Sports Editor | October 30, 2023

The Missouri Higher Education Loan Authority, MOHELA, is being punished by the U.S. Department of Education for not sending borrowers their billing statements on time. It was announced that the Department of Education will withhold $7.2 million from...

Congressman Randy Hultgren needs to answer some tougher questions

Congressman Randy Hultgren needs to answer some tougher questions

By Letter writer | February 22, 2011

I am disappointed with the recent Northern Star "fluff" interview with our new Republican Congressman Randy Hultgren. This is a fellow who wishes to abolish the U.S. Department of Education and cut the EPA, opposes regulation of the big banks, voted against...