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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Non-profit spotlight: Hope Haven

By Robert Baird | November 19, 2012

Children account for a quarter of the entire homeless population nationwide. According to Hope Haven, 1145 Rushmoore Drive, a 2007 study stated families with children make up 41 percent of the American homeless population. Since its founding in 1990,...

Sycamore Regale Center hosts ‘Totally Awesome 80’s Night’ benefit party

By Kelly Bauer | September 29, 2011

It's not often that you can walk down the street and watch a big-haired woman in parachute pants break out her best moon walk. If you stop by the Regale Center, 124 S. California St. in Sycamore, today, that might be all you see. As part of a cooperative...