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The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Vision 2020 should take care of transfer students’ needs

By Editorial Board | September 28, 2011

According to the NIU's fast facts website, "NIU yields the highest number of transfer students out of all the Illinois state universities." However, under President Peter's Vision 2020 Initiative there are few, if any, plans to attract a higher caliber...

Vision 2020 should improve campus facilities

By Editorial Board | September 25, 2011

Have you ever used a restroom in Reavis or DuSable?If you have, you may have noticed that the accommodations are far from ideal: broken stalls, unexpected odors and cramped spaces. DuSable doesn't fare much better. Compare these buildings to others, like...

Vision 2020 should ensure quality faculty and curriculum

September 21, 2011

NIU plans to increase enrollment to 30,000 students by 2020. Vision 2020 boasts many positive additions to the campus; but the board feels this initiative fails to identify several important areas necessary to attracting the proposed number. On Monday,...

NIU sees decline of graduate student enrollment

By Chelsey Boutan | September 21, 2011

The official 10th day enrollment count shows NIU continued a steady decline of graduate students. This year's graduate enrollment of 5,365 is lower than last year's 5,633. A steady decrease of graduate students started in 2003, when enrollment was 6,651....

Vision 2020 needs to offer better incentives for students

By Editorial Board | September 18, 2011

In Thursday's paper, the Northern Star's editorial board said it will address NIU's plan to increase enrollment to 30,000 students by 2020. Vision 2020 boasts many positive additions to the campus; but the board feels this initiative fails to identify...

Marc Strauss, left, Board of Trustees Chair, at the Board's
Thursday meeting the Board approved a resolution to move forward
with President John Peters Vision 2020 plans.

Vision 2020 approved to move forward

By Chelsey Boutan | September 15, 2011

NIU President John Peters received unanimous approval to move forward with the Vision 2020 Initiative at Thursday's Board of Trustees meeting.Trustee Marc Strauss said the Vision 2020 process revealed a goal important to the university's success - an...

Vision 2020 should meet needs of future students

By Editorial Board | September 14, 2011

Since President John Peters announced his plan to attract higher quality students while increasing NIU's enrollment to 30,000 by 2020, the Northern Star has had it's doubts.To us, the idea sounds like a paradox. How can NIU attempt to improve its overall...

Sophomore Genesis DeLaTorre (left) walks to class with her
friend sophomore Karla Valle (right) Wednesday night in the MLK

Raising the bar: NIU plans to improve scholarships, facilities, programs to attract students

By Felix Sarver | September 14, 2011

For the next 10 years, NIU aims to improve scholarships, campus facilities and create new academic programs to attract more and higher quality students as part of NIU President John Peters' Vision 2020 Initiative. NIU has some trouble attracting high...

NIU offers new online courses, plans to add 42 new degree programs

By Faith Healy | September 12, 2011

When students think about college courses, they may think of a professor standing at a podium lecturing. However, NIU also offers alternative class methods in online courses. While offering online classes is not new to the university, there has been an...

Gavin Weaver | Northern Star NIU President John Peters (right)
and executive secretary Alan Rosenbaum (left) discuss the NIU
budget Wednesday at University Council in the Sky Room of the
Holmes Student Center.

University Council discusses Vision 2020

By Thomas Verschelde | September 7, 2011

Vision 2020 goals may be dependent on the approval of the Board of Trustees, said NIU President John Peters at Wednesday’s University Council meeting. During his State of the University address Sept. 1, Peters announced his intentions to follow suggestions...

President Peters discusses Vision 2020, new online degree programs

By Matt Liparota | September 1, 2011

By 2020, NIU hopes to have 30,000 students enrolled.This announcement came as part of President John Peters' annual State of the University address Thursday afternoon. For the second year, the speech focused on the Vision 2020 initiative.During last year's...

President Peters to give State of the University address

By Northern Star Staff | August 31, 2011

NIU President John Peters will give his annual State of the University address today.Peters, who is scheduled to talk about the Vision 2020 initiative, will speak at 3 p.m. in Altgeld Hall Auditorium.The speech is open to the public and will stream live...