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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Winter television show premieres

By Pat Quinn | January 28, 2014

Football fans will need something to watch after Sunday’s game. Fortunately, February is a good month for shows.Prepare for the return of dramas, musical talent show and late -night television."The Walking Dead"Although it is beyond cold, television...

‘World War Z’ zombies kill it in the theater

By Patrick Pastrana | July 1, 2013

Since “The Walking Dead” is on a break until October, you will not see many zombies this summer except for in “World War Z.”This apocalyptic film focuses on Brad Pitt’s character, Gerry Lane, a United Nations investigator who is trying to stop...

'Walking Dead' game a great story, value

‘Walking Dead’ game a great story, value

By Roy Herrera | November 25, 2012

In the last couple of years, the popularity of zombies has risen in both TV and in video games. AMC’s TV show The Walking Dead is one of the most popular shows right now, according to Nielsen ratings, so gaming companies are trying capitalize on its...

(From left) Trey Derbes (drums), Ben Murray (guitar/vocals)
Laura Nichol (guitar/vocals) and Kyle Camarillo (bass) march to the
beat of Heartsounds. The metal-inspired pop/punk group will perform
Friday ata the House Cafe, 263 E. Lincoln Highway. 

Heartsounds beat heavily

By Paul Durdan | July 12, 2011

If you are looking for a band that is reminiscent of the bygone days of childhood, has a sound similar to the pop/punk movement of the ‘90s, but contains technical talent past the usual raw, minimalist style, allow me a moment to introduce you to a...

Comic conventions have fun for all kinds of fans

By Tony Martin | March 9, 2011

I love comic books. The Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo is coming to Chicago from March 18-20, and I wish I could go. I almost want to quit my band so I don't have to be on tour the weekend of C2E2. Having been to a couple of comic conventions in...

New zombie show 'Walking Dead' hits TV airwaves this Halloween.

‘Walking Dead’ appears to have legs

By Tony Martin | August 29, 2010

It seems like trailers for TV shows and movies have become more buzzworthy than the actual product itself. What better way to promote an upcoming program by throwing together a couple minutes-worth of grade-A moments from the show? At Comic-Con 2010,...