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Northern Star

The Student News Site of Northern Illinois University

Northern Star

Using the left lane for anything other than passing another car and using a left-lane exit ramp violates the Left Lane 

Point/ counter point: Left Lane Law

By Nothern Star Opinion Staff | November 17, 2019

Only use the left lane for passingJordan Radloff | ContributorEven though the left lane tends to allow drivers to travel faster than the right lane, it is important for drivers to obey state laws that prohibit using the passing lane improperly.In January,...

Fill in the blank: If I could study abroad anywhere, I would go to…

By Northern Star Opinion Staff | October 11, 2019

NorwayHunter Weston | Contributor I’ve been to Norway before. The summer after my senior year of high school, I was taken to Norway as a graduation present and we stayed in Oslo for two weeks. My family has a strong Norwegian heritage that we are very...