New registration overdue

It’s about time technology has entered NIU. It’s too bad that only a few people can access the technology.

The idea of registering over the phone is a good one. Many universities register all their students by the phone. It seems to be more pleasant if one can gvet ticked while waiting at home instead of standing in a line and getting mad.

NIU is trying to implement a little automation and they deserve praise for trying to alleviate a few of the hassles of trying to get a complete schedule.

Registration and Records is heading in the right direction by trying to get the new system on the move. They are hoping to have everyone register by the time the next registration rolls around.

Anyone who stood in the add/drop line probably was ready to scream. The new phone system will make a lot of heartaches disappear.

There were only a few minor glitches in the system that had to be dealt with and more than 100 students were able to register via the phone registration.

It also will make registration a lot easier for students who commute. There’s nothing worse than having to drive a long way only to find out you have to see your dean before you can register for the class.

If there are part-time students who work and phone registration is implemented for all classes, it would make it possible for an easier time with registration.

There are enough headaches to deal with and phone registration will make everyone’s life a little easier.