Need life center
December 6, 1991
I am amazed at the information that Michael Starzec, Senate Speaker, offered in his letter addressing the Student Life building. I, too, attended the SA meeting in which the Student Life Center Resolution was discussed. I am writing this letter to clarify issues regarding the proposal.
First, the funding for the proposed Student Life Center will not take away dollars from tuition or education. Second, it is not definite that it will cost the students $35 to $45 annually. This is a worst-case scenario, assuming no other funds will be accessed from any other source.
For example, ISU recently built a similar center with a zero-dollar cost to the student. This, too, is possible for NIU. After learning of the possible refinancing of the Holmes Student Center bond, it is now a reality that the Student Life building can be built with no cost to the students.
I would also like to present a historical perspective concerning the proposed Student Life Center. In 1988, Vice President Jon Dalton held meetings with student leaders to discuss space needs of student activities and services and strategies for addressing these needs. As a member of these early planning meetings, I observed that the students were in support of investigating these opportunities.
An ad hoc committee was formed of students and administrators in January 1989, which led to a report from the SA noting that the “Student Association representatives indicated that they would support a building addition if space priorities cannot be accommodated within the existing Holmes Student Center Building.”
In 1990, a space study work group was formed of four SA representatives and three members of Student Affairs to contract for a consultant and evaluate findings. This group recommended “any student fee for the project be kept as low as possible and that the university determine methods for creatively financing the addition …”
Finally, in 1991, the student leaders and administrators agreed to revisit the Student Life Center concept after it was tabled for a short time for a financial study.
I am also a student and don’t want to pay any more that I don’t have, but I do feel this building is needed, specifically in recognition of my experiences with Career Planning and Placement. Most of us would like to begin a career after we receive our education, but as departments such as this lose effectiveness and efficiency because of lack of space, we will not be able to attract the recruiters of provide the services the students need.
Please take a walk around campus and observe some of the services we receive that stand to benefit from a Student Life Center and make an informed decision.
Dawn Cater
Graduate student