SA takes on new recycling project
November 1, 1991
Laser printer cartridge recycling is the latest project for Student Association Recycling to take on.
SA Recycling Adviser Rachel Vellenga said she recently made a working agreement with The Laser Group, 223 Palmer Ct., DeKalb, to sell them used cartridges.
Annette Sills, sales manager of The Laser Group, said she agreed to the arrangement to help accommodate the SA with earning extra money. The Laser Group did business with NIU before Vellenga approached them.
Sills said she uses the cartridges for parts when others bring in their cartridges for reconditioning. A cartridge can be reconditioned once or twice.
“A new cartridge can cost a consumer between $75 and $100,” Sills said. “We recondition them for $34.95.”
The SA collects the cartridges from around campus and sells them to The Laser Group for between $4 and $5, Vellenga said.
Vellenga said a Calumet City corporation originally approached the SA with the idea, but “the shipping cost would have been too much. We ended up locating a local merchant.”
Sills said the cartridges recycled are Hewlett-Packard Series 2p, 3p, two and three or anything compatible.
SA Recycling now recycles glass, plastics, mixed paper, aluminum and laser printer cartridges.