Requests due today to address BOR
November 21, 1991
Today is the deadline for student requests to address NIU’s governing board at next month’s meeting.
The Board of Regents will meet on Dec. 5 at NIU and students wishing to speak to the Regents must submit a written request to Regents Chancellor Roderick Groves.
NIU Student Regent James Mertes said according to Regents bylaws, the request must contain the student’s name and address, the organization involved and a summary of the presentation.
However, a student need not be a part of a campus organization to speak before the Regents, he said.
The Regents govern NIU, Illinois State University at Normal and Sangamon State University at Springfield.
Mertes said because the deadline for submitting requests is 10 days prior to the meeting agenda mailing date, students should send their requests today.
Students also should submit a copy of their summary to NIU President John La Tourette, Mertes said.
The presentations should be less than five minutes in duration, he added.
However, submitting a request does not guarantee a student the right to speak. The Regents chairman makes the decision based on time constraints.
Academic quality is one issue that might be raised.
One campus group, led by DeKalb County Board member Thomas Gary, is scheduled to hold a “Day of Mourning” during the meeting in the King Memorial Commons because of the decline in academic quality.
This spring, several NIU students spoke before the Regents on the issue of a tuition increase.
Mertes said students with questions can call or stop by his office at the Holmes Student Center.