Unpopular Opinion: Being extroverted is better


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Opinion columnist Nanette Nkolomoni discusses why being extroverted over introverted is better.

By Nanette Nkolomoni, Copy Editor

Being introverted is something many people identify with – it is not to be confused with being anti-social. People who are anti-social are typically against social norms and are unwilling/unable to effectively communicate with other people. On the other hand, being introverted is defined as being reserved, quiet and preferring to spend time alone – if you are an introvert you prefer smaller groups than larger groups. If you’re an introvert you probably feel best when you are alone and experience exhaustion after socializing with many people. 

Extroverts are people who are typically unreserved and enjoy social interaction. If you are an extrovert, you probably enjoy large crowds more than small crowds and you have an outgoing, confident personality. 

I wouldn’t describe myself as the most extroverted person. I love my alone time, sometimes I just want to escape from the outside world and decompress. Despite this, I can acknowledge that people who are naturally extroverted have it better than those who aren’t. 

Communication is a vital part of human life and how society functions. Through communicating we can connect with others effectively, whether it’s verbal or non-verbal communication. 

Skills you learn through communication can benefit you in multiple ways. These benefits can be within the workplace, school, or simply communities you are a part of. 

Knowing how to communicate allows you to better navigate life, you know how to connect with other people easily, you can better resolve conflict, you’re able to have tough conversations, and you can overall gain more knowledge. 

No matter what field you are in, you’re most likely going to be put in a situation where you have to work as a team or you have to communicate with large groups of people. For introverts, this is an unfortunate situation to be in. For extroverts, this is an amazing situation to be in and this is where they thrive. 

Knowing how to build relationships with others can have a positive impact in both your personal life and professional life. Building relationships with other people can shift your mindset. 

When you are surrounded by different people and know how to communicate, it opens your mind to different perspectives, different people, and ways of life. 

Some introverts can become comfortable with being introverted because it’s just what’s easiest  (at least for them). But life is not easy, there are times where you have to have that tough conversation and to do that successfully you have to have good communication skills and to build this will require socializing with many different people. 

It’s better to find conversations enjoyable rather than draining when it comes to communicating. The person who is extroverted is the person who people find easier to talk to and they often leave an impression on others. In a Scientific American article, psychologist Sonja Lyubomirsky said “There are benefits of introversion, but research shows that extroverts are happier.” 

If you’re an introvert don’t feel bad after reading this, don’t feel like you have to change who you are, do what works best for you.