SGA fails to sign petition on behalf of Black students
February 23, 2023
DeKALB – The NIU Student Government Association failed to approve a petition meant for the office of President Lisa Freeman which would outline the grievances Black students have on campus.
The petition included charges of over-policing Black events, performative activism and an undiverse administration.
SGA petitions are the culmination of the association’s formal request for the university to change some forms of policy. SGA petitions are required to pass through two rounds of voting across separate sessions before finalization, according to SGA bylaws.
The petition did not reach the two-thirds vote required to pass the petition – the Senate voted 8-6 for the petition.
“Since we are talking about diversity, equity and inclusion, why are we only centering around Black and African American when there are many more races here?” Senator Emmanuel Corpuz said.
Other senators tried to defend the petition, but it ultimately didn’t pass.
“As a Black community, we have events for us, which everyone is welcome to … we have many orgs who support each other,” Senator Alexia Musgraves said. “This may seem harsh, this may seem aggressive, but you guys just don’t understand what we go through every single day.”
SGA meetings are open to the public and held at 2 p.m. on Fridays, with locations posted in the senate’s agendas. SGA minutes and intent to speak forms are available on Huskie Hub.