Financial aid difficulties to be discussed
October 23, 1991
A Student Association committee will meet tonight with the financial aid director to discuss their concerns regarding students and the financial aid process.
Student’s Committee on Financial Aid Adviser Maurice Thomas invited Student Financial Aid Director Jerry Augsburger to attend today’s SCOFA meeting at 7:15 p.m. in the SA Conference Room. Augsburger said he will provide information and answer all committee questions and concerns.”
“We want to build a firm, positive working relationship with the Financial Aid office,” Thomas said. “There is a general concern as far as student concerns with financial aid.”
This semester, student concerns brought to the SCOFA committee involve filling out financial aid forms and receiving financial aid checks.
Thomas said he feels students aren’t informed enough about the financial aid process. “My position is to communicate to students the understanding of financial aid forms and make the process easier,” he said.
Students also need to be aware of the different types of grants and funds that are available to them, Thomas said.
“Although the Financial Aid office is working very diligently, I feel it could be better,” Thomas said.
The office needs to be more communicative to the students as far as where they stand … they also could work more as far as the accuracy and speed of the process,” he said.
Thomas said the SCOFA committee is aiming to utilize the assistance of students to help the Financial Aid office remedy these issues. “We could help them and in turn help ourselves,” he said.
Thomas encourages all students with financial aid questions or concerns to contact him in the SA office, second floor of the Holmes Student Center, or call 753-9919.