Author, chairman to debate PC issue
October 23, 1991
Two diverse political orthodox will collide in confrontation at the Sandburg Auditorium of the Holmes Student Center at 7:30 tonight.
Dinesh D’Souza who wrote the book “Illiberal Education,” and Stanley Fish, the chairman of Duke University’s English department will meet to debate the topic of political correctness in a catalyst of controversy.
Michael Roberts, debate coordinator for the Campus Activities Board, said PC is an umbrella term to protect minorities through the use of sensitivity education.
“PC includes such programs as affirmative action, speech codes, and separate programs for minority cultures such as the black graduation held here at NIU last year,” he said.
Roberts said D’Souza’s basic argument is that universities with PC orthodox such as gender or sexist sensitive education are those institutions that have the most racial problems.
D’Souza argues in his book that PC policies institutionalize resentment toward minorities by alienating and even making conditions unfair for the “majority” student.
D’Souza illustrates in his book that PC orthodox creates race problems, Roberts said.
“The most racially based campuses are those with politically correct orthodox,” he said.
D’Souza raises the question of whether affirmative action programs are really helping minorities, Roberts said.
“Affirmative action puts an asterisk by minority names,” Roberts said figuratively. “It means: Is this person really good or were they hired because the institution needed to fill a quota? I wouldn’t want that question being asked about me,” Roberts said.