SA minority relations adviser appointed
October 23, 1991
A new Student Association minority relations adviser has been appointed to fill the position which was empty after the former adviser resigned last week.
SA Minority Relations Adviser Nolen Hendreson, who applied for the position last year was appointed this week by SA President Preston Came.
Hendreson said his main goal is promoting understanding—not only of a person’s own background but of others’ as well. He also said he would like to have more interaction between campus organizations.
“The first thing I want to do is get a feel of what’s going on and get an understanding of where the position needs to go,” Hendreson said.
Came said he thinks Hendreson will do an excellent job. “I think he’ll be able to lend me an extra ear to all communities on campus to make sure I’m getting all points of view and not just one point of view,” he said.
“I think he will do very well in making sure myself as well as the senate know the feelings of the minority community,” Came said.
Quentella Heard, former minority relations adviser, quit her position last Tuesday. Heard could not be reached for comment.
Hendreson said he would like to get in contact with Heard to ask for help regarding the position.
Hendreson was the Campus Activities Board speaker and the president of BROTHERS for the past two years. He is currently the director of student programming for University of Programming and Activities.