Mayor missed

By Sabryna Cornish

Sycamore Mayor Harold “Red” Johnson died Sunday morning at Kishwaukee Community Hospital of an apparent massive heart attack. He was 74.

Findings from an autopsy performed late last night will be released this morning, authorities said.

Johnson was mayor of Sycamore for nearly 33 years and was an alderman for eight years before that.

According to an ordinance passed about two years ago, the chairman of the finance committee will assume the mayor’s duties in case of unforeseen circumstances, said Sycamore City Clerk Gail Brantner. The chairman then would act as mayor until the next election, which is in 1993.

Brantner said she is checking into whether the ordinance supersedes any state laws.

Memories of Johnson poured from Sycamore leaders. “He (Johnson) goes back so long,” Brantner said. “There are so many things he did as mayor.”

Brantner credits Johnson with renovating the Sycamore police station building. “He had something to do with all improvements in Sycamore,” she said.

Phillip Ramsey, chairman of the finance committee, who is now acting mayor, said Johnson was very careful with money and “kept the town in (the) black.”

Still, Brantner said Johnson also tried to keep taxes as low as possible. “He was one of a kind,” she said. “He was everybody’s mayor. I can’t imagine the city functioning without him.”

“He was a man among men. He could talk to anybody,” Ramsey said. “No one will ever fill his shoes.”

Services will be later this week at Quiram-Sycamore Funeral Home, 1245 Somonauk St., in Sycamore.