Task force equality sought

By Linda Warchal

An agreement established during the 1979-80 school year by the Student Association and the vice president for Student Affairs is up for review and the SA wants to make sure the reviewing committee has equal student and faculty representation.

Barbara Henley, vice president for Student Affairs, proposed the composition of a task force to resolve the issue, said Jodie English, SA recreation adviser. Many feel the agreement needs review because the university constitution is changed.

“I feel that if there is something in the university constitution that says the agreement needs to be amended, then by all means, let us work on it,” English said.

However, “I don’t think we should scrap the whole agreement,” she added.

The agreement states the Office of Campus Recreation will develop programs and prepare policy recommendations and the SA recreation committee will approve the program plans and policies.

Because the rec center was built with student fees under a student referendum, the students should have the power to run it, English said.

English said she would like to make sure there is equal representation in the committee Henley is proposing—four students, three administrators and one faculty member.

In a memo to Henley, English said she expressed her concerns regarding the composition of the task force.

Henley replied in a memo to SA President Preston Came agreeing to the four students Came would appoint, but added that a chair would be appointed from the office of Student Affairs to vote “only if instances develop where a prolonged impasse remains on an issue after repeated attempts at resolution still yield a tie vote.”

English said she feels an appointed chair would create unequal representation.

Came said it is his responsibility to choose the four students who will sit on the committee, but won’t give any names until he is guaranteed there will be equal representation.

“If the committee is not fruitful, we are going to get out and take it to the Board of Regents,” Came said.

Within the agreement there are several means listed for reaching compromises, English said, one of which is forming a SARC/OCR sub-committee.

If the sub-committee can’t reach an agreement, then the issue would be jointly resolved by the vice president for Student Affairs and the SA president.

English said the reason there were no sub-committees formed before and the reason she did not fight it was that the conflict is not between the SA and the rec center, but between the SA and the office for Student Affairs.