NIU Professor comments on President’s choice for justice
September 4, 1991
It’s not what many people want in a Supreme Court Justice, but the alternative could be worse if nominee Clarence Thomas is rejected according to an NIU law professor.
“The President is going to appoint someone who shares the same views,” said professor Lorraine Schmall. “It is naive to believe that he won’t.”
Schmall cited the president’s veto of the Civil Rights Bill of 1990 and his appointment of conservative Justice Kennedy as prime examples.
Schmall said the president doesn’t want somebody that supports affirmative action or someone who is pro-choice.
Although Schmall is a liberal herself, she is still in favor of Thomas.
“It is redeeming to have one of the best law jobs going to a person of color,” she said.
Schmall also urges people to remember the appointment of Sandra Day O’Conner for those who are worried about Thomas’s views on affirmative action.
“It is better to have someone who has experienced discrimination first hand than a white male who is part of the ruling majority,” she said.
Schmall added that Thomas is a good example for children because he shows minorities they can, if they choose, sit on the Supreme Court and make decisions that could affect the entire country.