Election efforts started
September 15, 1991
Students might already have noticed campaigning efforts of senator-hopefuls with elections rapidly approaching.
Campaigning officially began after a meeting Thursday evening which reviewed rules and procedures, said John Quilico, Student Association vice president.
Quilico said the SA had the meeting the night before the petitions were due so students could use the weekend to campaign.
Thirty-three petitions were turned in by the deadline on Friday afternoon. There are five districts, and eight people can be elected from each one.
So far, Quilico said, the two real races are in Districts 2 and 4 where there are nine and 15 candidates. From District 1 there is one candidate, from District 3 there are four, and from District 5 there are four.
“We’re hoping for real active campaigning—in addition to our advertising (about elections),” he said.
Quilico said the elections should run smoother this year because of a change in the voting procedure. This year, students don’t have to vote within the districts they live.
“It will eradicate the problems from last year,” he said.
Quilico added there is only one page of a single-colored ballot this year.