SA aims for easy recognition plan
August 28, 1991
NIU student organizations seeking Student Association recognition this semester will have an easier time completing the applications, thanks to SA Vice President John Quilico.
Recognized organizations can receive SA funding after one year, post flyers and posters on campus, and reserve a room in the Holmes Student Center, Quilico said.
Every student organization desiring to be SA recognized and university affiliated needs to fill out an application, he said.
Quilico said last year’s recognition packets were lengthy and confusing. “Now it’s basically the same thing, but a lot less paperwork,” he said.
The four-page packets consist of one instruction page, two organization information pages, and one faculty adviser page, Quilico said.
“Last year there were 64 organizations that did receive SA funding,” Quilico said. “This year I can’t say how many will request it or how many will get it,” he said.
The packets should be returned by Sept. 16 to the University Programming and Activities office, which is located on the student center’s sixth floor.
“I’d like to have these organizations recognized at the first SA meeting on Sept. 22,” Quilico said.
Quilico said there will be a workshop for new student organizations on Sept. 4 from 7-9 p.m. in Room 405 of the student center.
“This workshop is for people who want to start an organization,” Quilico said. “There will be valuable information regarding the resources of the campus, how to receive SA funding and how to become SA recognized.”
Quilico also encourages those who are not familiar with the recognition process to attend the workshop.