GTS electricity finally restored
August 28, 1991
After two days of darkness, heat and inconvenience, power and spirits have been restored to Grant Towers South.
A transformer burned out Sunday night, leaving Grant South’s A tower residents without electricity. Despite hopes that the electricity would be restored Tuesday afternoon, it was not fully restored until early Wednesday.
According to John Gardner, interim director of the Physical Plant, the power outage was due to a “combination of things beyond anyone’s control.”
The situation was “handled as quickly as it could be,” he said, and he also pointed out that there were “two projects going at once and they slowed one another.”
“The electricians worked their heads off,” he said, and the power was fully restored when they left at 4:30 a.m.
During the outage, GTS residents had “more questions than complaints,” according to Residence Hall Director Rose Ann Fazio.
“I give the residents a lot of credit,” she said. “We all worked together.”
Fazio said the residents were understanding and helpful but that frustration accompanied their anticipation.
GTS resident Steve Nowik found the situation “difficult to cope with” but said that residents tried to keep positive outlooks.
Brian Rose, another resident, said that the rooms were uncomfortable and the situation was “real inconvenient.”
However, the residents of B tower were very helpful and “let people stay there,” he said.
Resident Ryan Larson “slept at a friend’s every night” because of the heat in the dorm, but said that things have been “a lot better” since the power has been restored.