BOR might approve extension

By Sabryna Cornish

The long-awaited Hoffman Estates Center might be approved by the Board of Regents at its meeting today and Thursday.

The Estates Center is expected to be approved after being in question for over a year.

The board will be provided with a presentation of layout, design, usage and financing for the facility.

The budget for fiscal year 1993 will be presented and voted on. However, the budget was developed with reference to the FY92 budget guidelines. The actual FY92 appropriations were not available due to the FY92 budget impasse.

“There may be changes (in the budget),” said Cheryl Peck, assistant to Regents Chancellor Roderick Groves. “There are other factors used to determine the budget.”

In other business, the board will release minutes from executive sessions in order to comply with the Illinois Open Meetings Act.

Groves said the minutes “no longer require confidentiality.” The minutes available are from July 25, 1990 to June 1, 1991.

The board will vote on a new placement for the NIU Gynecology Clinic. The NIU clinic has been located at the DeKalb Clinic which has agreed to let NIU’s clinic lease property from it. The board must approve the clinic’s new location because board regulations require all leases to be approved.

Other property acquisitions the board must vote on are the purchase of Dyre Property (the Floor-to-Ceiling store), which will be used for printing services, payroll, insurance, and personnel, and space in the University City Shopping Center to house the Research and Training Center of Traditionally Underserved Persons Who are Deaf (R & F Center), which is currently being housed in Adams Hall. NIU has received a $3.3 million grant for the Center.

The lease, if approved, will be $41,625 per year and $80,000 to renovate the space.

The BOR governs NIU, Sangamon State University in Springfield and Illinois State University in Normal and will meet at the Holmes Student Center.