Recruiting, coach now Huskies’ goal

By Wes Swietek

Who will occupy NIU’s bench next basketball season, on the coach’s and players’ side, is the big question after Jim Molinari’s departure for Bradley.

Athletic Director Gerald O’Dell said the search for Molinari’s replacement is already underway.

“We’ll have a small screening committee to interview candidates on an off-campus sight,” O’Dell said. “Then we’ll bring them in for a second interview.”

O’Dell hopes a new coach will be named before the end of the spring semester. “It (naming a coach quickly) is really important when looking at the interactions on this campus,” O’Dell said. “It’s important to get here before school’s out.”

One of the candidates frequently mentioned, along with Illinois assistant Mark Coomes, is NIU assistant Rob Judson. “I will apply,” Judson said. “I’ll talk to Mr. O’Dell tomorrow morning about the situation (and) try to see what he’s thinking. Even though we’ve been successful, both Jim and I felt there’s a lot of work to be done.”

“I’ve recommended coach Judson very strongly to Mr. O’Dell,” Molinari said.

A major part of the new coach’s work will consist of keeping players from transferring and trying to recruit players to a school without a head coach.

“That’s one major area of concern. We have some recruits that are in the balance. (With) the last contact being Friday, it’s a critical time,” Judson said.

NIU has so far not received any signings other than Nashville’s Marlin Simms, who signed in the fall. Junior college guard David Bacon and Minnesota high schooler Hubert Register are said to be rethinking their verbal commitments to NIU.

Of the current Huskies, freshman guard Mike Lipnisky said he would consider transferring. A player transferring to another school would have to sit out at least one year because of NCAA regulations.

Sophomore Randy Fens said he will remain, as will

Junior Brian Banks. “I’m looking forward to the next coach,” Banks said. “I just want to play one more year and graduate.”

Both players said that they were disappointed by Molinari’s departure, but “it’s all business,” Banks said. “I would have left too.”