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April 5, 1991
It’s been some time since I’ve been to the NIU campus, and it’s been even longer since I heard or have known about the basketball team making the NCAA playoffs.
I remember the last time we made it, it was during a student demonstration and with a team with the worst record.
I’m proud to read that the team is doing well and hopefully the results from the first game are positive.
I’m here in the Middle East in Kuwait City with a reserve unit from Little Rock, Ark., and all I ever hear is them talking about those “Hogs.”
Hopefully, those Huskies will make it further down the road than the Hogs. But if they don’t, at least they know that they have an international following.
Hopefully I’ll return there next year for law school. I just want to say hi to all my friends still there, and tell them to write. I’ll be here at least until June.
My address is:
431st CA Co.
APO N.Y. 09616
I was also glad to hear the football team beat a top-25 team!
st Lt. David C. Lyles