Came faces tough choice
April 28, 1991
For most students, the next two weeks will be fairly tough—final exams and for some, graduation and the real world. For Student Association President-elect Preston Came, the next few weeks will be especially tough.
Came, who as president must appoint committee advisers and the student Regent, faces the task of choosing between current student Regent James Mertes and … Came’s own roommate.
It’s a strange place for Came to be.
While some of Mertes’ acts as student Regent have been overblown, he’s really done nothing that merits taking him out of the job. If anything, he’s been dedicated and has shown more interest than his predecessor, Bob Tisch.
Came’s roommate, John Stack, has his own qualifications. In the fall, Stack—the SA’s supreme court justice and president of NIU’s Forensics and Debate team—will be a grad student in political theory.
When it comes right down to it, Came is forced to choose between two incumbents. Mertes can put his record on the table. While Stack can’t put up the Regents as job references, he knows Came a lot better than Mertes.
Came will have to watch his step. No matter what decision he makes, he’ll be damned. If he chooses Stack, whatever reasons he presents won’t silence those who accuse him of partiality. If he picks Mertes, others will accuse him of making the decision just to avoid that kind of criticism.
Came certainly must think carefully and prepare to take the fall for whatever his decision is. The deck is stacked so delicately.