Playground could prevent accidents
April 14, 1991
There would be less chance of children causing fires at home—like the one that occurred at the DeKalb Center April 2—if there were more residential playgrounds, an NIU professor says.
“I think it’s just ridiculous that (the children) have no place to play,” said Professor Thomas Chibucos of NIU’s Human and Family Resources. Last week’s fire was caused by a boy playing with matches in a closet.
He said he thinks when residences like the DeKalb Center Complex, 1100 W. Lincoln Hwy., lack playgrounds, they contribute to accidents.
“The people who own the place say this is naive because kids play with matches anyway, but maybe if they would have been playing somewhere else this wouldn’t have happened,” Chibucos said.
“A residential area needs a place for kids to play,” Chibucos said. “A lot of times if you go by you’ll see kids playing on the sidewalk,” he added.
Professor Chibucos said in his Family and Child Policy course he teaches that children not having an area designated for play reflects their not being a priority.
He said he plans to mention his ideas to city officials.
“We need some public policy,” Chibucos said. “It would be nice if people took it upon themselves,” he added.