Bar hour conflict not over

By Sabryna Cornish

Just when the bar hour debate seemed settled—suddenly it’s not.

Second Ward Ald. Michael Welsh proposed a motion to knock off the extra bar hour the bar owners fought for on Thursday nights.

The vote, however, may be different this time as a result of the different makeup of the council following the elections.

Third Ward Ald. Gary Wiggins requested time for DeKalb Police Chief Donald Berke to put together a report on the effect of the extra bar hour.

“I want to make an informed, intelligent decision,” Wiggins said.

Wiggins, elected alderman April 2, was sworn in Monday night instead of May 1 when the elected term begins. City Manager Mark Stevens said the appointment was needed because the seat was vacant.

The council agreed to discuss the possibility of reducing the bar hours on Thursday nights in a month.

A special meeting will be held on May 20 to discuss the council’s power to establish liquor codes and to discuss the role of the liquor commissioner.

DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow, the present commissioner, said “people have to understand the difference between being the mayor and a legislator.”

In other business, Stevens updated the council on the radium in the water.

Stevens said a May 13 hearing will be held asking for a variance in the radium levels. Without the variance, water extension mains cannot be built.

The hearing is with the Illinois Pollution Control Board and a decision is expected by the end of June, Stevens said. The Environmental Protection Agency is recommending the approval of the variance, he said.