Black Greek Council sponsors Greek Week ‘91
April 9, 1991
A pool party, variety show and picnic will highlight this year’s Greek Week ’91, sponsored by the Black Greek Council.
The event runs this week through Saturday.
“The purpose of Greek Week is to get NIU students involved with the activities, which are open to everyone, not just Greeks,” said organizer Sherri James.
Greeks and non-Greeks alike are invited to shoot a few hoops today from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at the Student Recreation Center as part of Basketball Day.
Events for the rest of the week include:
Wednesday—A pool party in Gabel Hall starting at 7 p.m. A disc jockey will be on hand to set the activities to music.
Thursday—A step (variety) show and party starting at 8 p.m. in the Holmes Student Center’s Duke Ellington Ballroom. The show costs $1.50 per person.
Friday—A party starting at 8 p.m. in the Duke Ellington Ballroom, sponsored by Phi Beta Sigma fraterity.
Saturday—A picnic held from noon to 5 p.m. at the West Lagoon. Activities at the picnic will include a softball game. Greek organizations will have tables set up at the picnic to answer questions.