UHS grants permit

By Linda Warchal

A pregnant NIU student will have one less thing to worry about at the end of her term.

Karen Stoffel, an NIU senior, successfully obtained a temporary parking permit allowing her to park in blue lots and have a shorter walk to class.

Stoffel was called by Rosmary Lane, director of University Health Services, after an article appeared in The Northern Star concerning her inability to get a special permit.

Lane notified Stoffel that advanced pregnancy (past seven months) was a condition that would allow for special parking privileges in faculty and staff lots.

“She was very nice and informed me I could get a parking permit through them with the reason being advanced pregnancy,” Stoffel said.

Stoffel first applied to Campus Parking for a special parking permit in the first weeks of school and again on Feb. 1. She was rejected both times.

Those who wish to receive special parking privileges must either go to the Parking Appeals Committee or the University Health Service. However, Stoffel said she was not notified the health service might be able to help her.

Stoffel said she is very relieved now that she has the permit.

“I’ve used the sticker a couple of times and I’ve had no problems,” she said.