Council proposes ordinance banning tatooing

By Sabryna Cornish

If you want a tattoo, you’re probably going to have to get it in some place other than DeKalb.

The DeKalb City council voted to bring an ordinance to its next meeting April 8 banning tattooing in DeKalb.

The vote was 4-1 to create the ordinance. Voting in favor of the motion were 1st Ward Ald. Amy Polzin, 2nd Ward Ald. Michael Welsh, 4th Ward Ald. Rita Tewksbury and 5th Ward Ald. Bessie Chronopoulos.

Sixth Ward Ald. Jamie Pennington was the lone vote against the motion.

Seventh Ward Ald. Jeff Monroe abstained from voting on the ordinance consideration.

City Attorney Ronald Matekaitis said there are no regulations in DeKalb regarding tattooing and there is only a provision in state law for minors getting tattoos.

Matekaitis said even though there is an adult bookstore in DeKalb, it is protected by the First Amendment, whereas a tattoo parlor is not.

“We’re left with three choices,” he said. “We can either prohibit it altogether, regulate it by requiring a physician or an osteopath present, or do nothing.”

The discussion of the issue continued with Welsh proposing an ordinance banning tattooing in DeKalb.

Craig Murphy, the owner of the tattoo parlor protested the motion and said his methods are at the highest standards.

“All the equipment is sterilized,” he said. “I also use brand-new needles for every customer, so there is no risk of infection.”

Murphy said he has been in the tattooing business for six years and has never had a problem with infection.

“We live in an age of fads and that’s where we are now,” said DeKalb resident Earl Young, who is leasing the property to Murphy. “It’s becoming a popular thing for the younger generation.”

Pennington said “tattooing is going on in back alleys and this (the tattoo parlor) might be a safer way to go.”

Tewksbury, however, said “a tattoo parlor does not belong on our main street downtown.”