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This letter is in response to T.J. Keeler’s shallow observations in his Jan. 29 letter to the editor.

I take these accusations very personally, and it disturbs me to think a fellow American views me in this light.

First of all, I would like to say I love many things about this country. For example, with enough determination, I am free to live the life of my choosing (unless I’m a poor inner-city kid who can’t even get an adequate education).

I am also free to stand up and voice my anger about all of the environmental degradation occurring in this beautiful homeland of ours (as long as I don’t get in the way of the interests of big business).

I am also free to question the motives of George Bush when he sends a half million of my fellow citizens into the Middle East.

Questioning is what I do when I protest. I ask why aren’t we sending in troops to help the beautiful people in the Baltics fight for their freedom?

Why aren’t we helping the blacks in South Africa? Why? Because America doesn’t have any interest in helping people fight for freedom from oppression.

We only fight for our self-centered interests. If you take oil out of the Middle East, we would be taken out too. And if you’re so naive, Mr. Keeler, to think another “madman” won’t take Hussein’s place, you’ve got some growing to do.

Let’s not keep regressing by resorting to war. Let’s be progressive, design a new energy policy and take the power out of the Middle East!

Mike Anderson

