War stances too little, late

It seems some people still are unaware the war in the gulf has already begun.

Ever since the war began, organizations have been deciding whether or not to take a stand for or against the war. One such example is the Faculty Senate.

Philosophy Professor Sherman Stanage has offered a proposal that the senate take a stand against the actions resulting in war and push for a quick end.

Although this is a noble cause, the proposal is too little and too late. The war has already begun, so protesting everything that led up to the war will not have any impact.

Stanage’s second point, to add pressure for a speedy end, is also somewhat on the unrealistic side. Everybody wants the war to end as soon as possible, but NIU is a state school from a small town with limited pull in the state legislature.

The only way for this university to offer any type of pressure is to join with other universities. Perhaps this would be more difficult, but the cause is certainly worth it.

Other NIU groups also seem to forget the worthiness of the cause. Instead of taking a stance based on belief, many seem to be taking stances because they feel they should, for political well-being.

It’s too late to protest the war’s beginning, and plain ignorant to use the war as a way to look good.