Use fees better
February 28, 1991
We are writing this letter because we are facing a problem that we think many people at this university are also facing. This problem deals with the Wirtz Hall computer labs.
We would like to know where all our lab fees are going. We are two of those many people who are getting double-charged and triple-charged to use the computers in Wirtz.
If we are going to pay $80 to $120 a semester to use these computers then it would be nice to see at least half of them operational.
Any of you who use the lab know exactly what we are talking about.
It is hard enough to get computer time as it is, and it’s even worse when half of the printers and/or computers themselves do not even work.
Another problem is that some (not all) of the people who work in the lab do not understand what’s going on.
I am not trying to bad-mouth the individuals who work in the lab, but sometimes it’s frustrating when even the people who work there can’t tell you anything about the program.
We realize it is difficult to understand how to work the various types of software, but maybe the university could provide more help.
That’s what part of our lab fees are for isn’t it? We would just like to see our lab fees put to work in a better way.
Brad Burdick
Business Management
Dave Smith