Board votes against costly state project

By Sabryna Cornish

The DeKalb County Board voted unanimously Wednesday not to accept an agreement from the state that might cost the county $4 million.

The state proposed an agreement that would require the county to pay half the cost of a project which would continue Peace Road to Plank Road in Sycamore.

According to the state’s proposal, DeKalb County would foot half of the bill for the project. The project is estimated to cost $8 million.

“There’s no guarantee that the project will cost $8 million,” said Richard O’Kane, transportation committee chairman. “If it ended up costing $10 million, we would have to pay $5 million.”

The state would do the engineering and all the studies, O’Kane said.

O’Kane said the state will probably put the project on hold, but he does not know if they will drop it.

Board member Ronald Matekaitis said the city of Sycamore has shown no desire to help with the funding of the project.

“To approve the agreement is like signing a blank check,” said ay Bockman, board member.

The board voted 19 to 2 to approve a $12,000 study on space in the DeKalb County Courthouse.

Dulin Associates, 155 North Third St. in DeKalb, has the go ahead to study the office space in the courthouse to find a better way to manage it.

Board member John McClure said the study is “very appropriate at this time.” The study is a necessary step for a problem that has been around for a few years, he said.