DeKALB – A sitting senator for NIU’s Student Government Association (SGA) was removed from office during the senate’s Friday meeting.
Bino Rosales was removed for what senators say was a repeated lack of communication and several absences during his role as chairperson of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee. The resolution, CSR56027, was tabled for one week at the Feb. 7 meeting, but was heard again during Friday’s meeting.
“This has been a repeated offense since last semester. I have worked with you on this, and I have established that you know what I expect and you know how to be part of SGA. You have been here longer than even me,” said Senate Speaker Manny Corpuz.
Senator Trevor Ivy highlighted an issue with Rosales separate from the lack of communication.
“I think what we’re getting at here is there’s just a lack of accountability. I think that is consistent in the conversation here,” Ivy said. “Not once have you said, ‘Hey, I’m gonna do better.’ You just say, ‘OK,’ and you continue to return to the pattern of behavior that we’re used to. It affects everyone in this room.”
Senator Isaiah Chukwudi Samuel said accountability was an important factor in the SGA decision.
“I don’t want to be political, I don’t want to be diplomatic; I just want to be honest with you. You are given several responsibilities in the near future,” Samuel said. “You have to be accountable, you have to be proactive and you have to communicate well.”
Rosales questioned the senate’s intentions after over 30 minutes of discussion about his removal.
“It looks like you’re saying I’m not fit for the chairperson role anymore. Is that what we’re going at?” Rosales asked.
Ivy highlighted that Rosales was only involved in one committee with which he accomplished little despite all other senators being involved in numerous committees.
“You’re not even really providing any remedy here. You’re saying ‘Let’s figure out another punishment for me because I don’t like this one,’” Ivy said. “It’s offensive to everybody else who has things going on when you’re sitting here rambling, repeating yourself, not even really providing justifiable reasons to why you can’t do the things that you’re expected to do.”
Before the resolution came to a vote, Ivy concluded the discussion.
“When you’re asking about other punishments, I don’t think there is another punishment because you don’t do anything else. You’re asking what the value is in removing you, but there doesn’t seem to be value in having you,” Ivy said in response to Rosales’ question regarding alternative consequences.
The resolution to remove Rosales from the Senate passed with a vote of 9-3-1.
With SGA elections approaching, the student government public affairs committee said SGA will hold a tabling event to recruit students to participate in the student government.
SGA will hold candidate meeting sessions on the following days:
4:30 p.m. Feb. 18 at the Steven R. Agee Room
3:30 p.m. Feb. 20 – Steven R. Agee Room
5:30 p.m. Feb. 21 – Oasis Conference Room
4:30 pm Feb. 24 – Steven R. Agee Room
4:30 pm Feb. 25 – Steven R. Agee Room
Interested candidates should fill out an intent to run form.