Senate past saving grace

It’s been said before, but nobody listened. For those Student Association senators who have been either too ignorant to pay attention or too high on their horses to care, listen up!

Even fellow senators are fed up with what isn’t getting done. Recently, eight senators resigned. Still more senators aren’t showing up for meetings.

If this doesn’t tell those senators still a part of the SA anything, it at least tells student bystanders that its representative body is breaking down, but not without reason.

The body hasn’t accomplished anything pertinent. To name a few, the sad attempt at impeaching SA Vice President Tanya Smith, the SA elections fiasco and, most recently, giving up in the Campus Activities Board refreshment saga.

A message should be screaming inside the heads of the senators left who, for whatever reason, feel they can accomplish something by the end of the semester. That message being: “Oh look, we have lost about half of our members because we are inept.”

Despite the senate’s ineptness, senators still need to fill vacancies. And with all the great achievements the senate has fulfilled so far this year, that’s not going to be easy. But at least try to get a full senate by the end of the semester.

But even if this is accomplished, senators should realize this catastrophic year is beyond a saving grace.