DeKALB – DeKalb Police Chief David Byrd presented the 2024 annual crime report at the City Council meeting Monday.
Byrd said there were no murders in DeKalb in 2024.
“In 2023, we went from five – one of those being a reckless homicide – to zero in 2024,” Byrd said. “We’ve had major drops in violent crime.”
The number of reported shootings decreased from 2023 to 2024, according to Byrd.
“In 2023, we had 24 confirmed shots fired calls. In 2024, it was reduced to 16,” Byrd said.
The DeKalb Police Department reported a decrease in total calls for service and adult arrests from 2022 through 2024.
There has also been a general downward trend in the number of service calls, according to Byrd.
Mayor Cohen Barnes spoke positively about the increase in traffic warnings issued in 2024 compared to the previous year.
“I think it was 2,000 more than last year (2023). Again, that shows you all lighting people up who are doing these traffic violations, but you’re not bringing down the heavy hammer, you’re letting them know ‘Hey, I saw ya, pulled you over. I’ll let you go this time but next time maybe not.’ This is not a place where you speed in our community,” Barnes said.
The City Council approved an amendment to change language in zoning regulations to allow the city to add electric vehicle charging stations across all zoning districts. Before the change, there were no definitions in the unified development ordinance for electric vehicles.
The addition was made after the city adopted an updated sustainability plan in June 2024.
DeKalb is in the third cohort of the electric vehicle readiness program organized by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus. The addition of the definitions will allow the city to achieve bronze-level recognition. Cities can achieve bronze, silver and gold level recognition by completing readiness steps.
The program gives cities a roadmap for how to become EV ready by providing a checklist of steps that should be taken to prepare for electric vehicle infrastructure.