Back to SA drawing board

The Student Association attendance epidemic is back in full force.

At Sunday’s meeting, a whopping 19 senators found the strength to prop themselves in front of the senate table. There are 40 seats, of which two have been vacated.

The SA needs to do something. At this point, anything is better than the status quo.

One would think that college-aged people that make a commitment would stick to it. Apparently that is not the case.

It seems college kids get so upset when they are stereotyped. Students adamantly proclaim not to be grouped together in mass adjectives and disdainly deny they follow in the footsteps of the apathetic.

That’s why it is painfully disheartening when 19 students who asked to be campus leaders by virtue of running for or accepting a senate position just blow it off.

The SA tried to leave regulating attendance to the individual. It failed. The SA instituted an attendance policy in which senators could be kicked out for missing too many meetings. It, apparently, is failing as well.

So the SA should again go to the drawing board and come up with something new. Unfortunately, the senate is facing a lot of pressing issues and will be hard-pressed to find the time to discipline its own members. But it must.

Meanwhile, students should let the following senators know that the about $300 each student pays in fees—of which the SA doles out—is being wasted because senators are reneging on their duties.