Marred support
January 24, 1991
This letter is in response to the mass display of ignorance shown in the letters to the editor on January 18.
It doesn’t surprise me that in this day there are many who so badly want to strangle people’s freedom. What does surprise me is the use of such ill-informed arguments to support such restrictive views.
First, I’d like to address Mr. Olsen’s letter in which he tried to give us all an important history lesson on Adolf Hitler.
To use your quote, Mr. Olsen “wrong history lesson.” If you’re going to use history to make a point, make sure you have a grasp of it.
The “appeasement of Hitler” resulted in the annexation of Czechoslovakia, not Austria. As to your comment on Hussein’s cold-blooded massacre of his own countryment, you left something out.
Hussein was being supported both economically and militarily by the United States while he massacred his people. Doesn’t it bother you that he wasn’t considered a madman then?
In response to the letter by Mr. Rebholz, I would like to ask if he would consider a career in the KGB or any other thought police organization.
Imprisonment for protesting? Get a clue, even if you have to borrow one. Your implication of the illegality of public protest is not only ignorant, but dangerous.
I suppose th eway British soldiers dealt with the protesters at the Boston Massacre was just.
Of course no one has the right to injure people while protesting. But there are such things as peaceful protests. Your implication that protesters were responsible for the deaths of 900 people between 1968 and 1969 is very distorted.
I know at least four people who died as a direct result of ignorant views on protesting like yours. Have you ever heard of Kent State?
No one is forcing views down your throat. Only when you suffere some consequence for not subscribing to a particular thought are you being forced.
If you are so insecure as to the validity of your views, don’t blame it on the sponge heads at MTV.
Protest has been an effective means to voice an opinion or view. Would we ever have passed the Civil Rights legislationwe now take for granted without protest?
Did these people have a reight to protest, Mr. Rebholz, or should they have been “imprisoned and deatl with harshly?”
Being that you believe that the measure of bravery is support of a war, why don’t you prove to all of us your undying bravery and patriotism and enlist?
Mark Paulis
History/Political Science