SA to support troops
January 23, 1991
NIU’s Student Association will debate a proposed resolution in support of President Bush and the troops in the Persian Gulf at Sunday night’s senate meeting.
The SA resolution is a logical attempt to become involved in the debate over the war, said SA Senate Speaker Preston Came.
“The war is the predominant issue on campus and it’s important that the governing body provide a forum for students to speak out,” Came said.
Students split on the issue are encouraged to use senate meetings to share views and feelings about the war, Came said.
However, not everyone in the NIU community agrees.
“There’s a fundamental contradiction in saying that the student senate supports the well-being and vitality of U.S. troops and saying you support President Bush,” said Marxist-Humanist Forum member Tom Rainey.
Still, the issue hits home. Sen. Darryl Jones was called to active duty last semester and is now in the Gulf.
“We mainly want the men and women serving in the Middle East to know that we haven’t forgotten about them,” Came said.
The resolution states, “We give our support to our men and women who are serving in the Middle East. We also give our support to the President … with the hope that this war will end quickly and decisively.”