Drivers must heed routes

By Sabryna Cornish

DeKalb residents parking on streets marked “snow route” might cost the city—and themselves—money.

“Snow removal is going well,” said Roger Chilton, assistant director of DeKalb public works for operations and maintenance.

However, Chilton said he has “concerns that people should abide by the postings along the streets that indicate a snow route,” he said.

“It reduces our cost of snow removal if people don’t park along the snow routes,” Chilton said.

Snow route signs are posted along the streets and people should not park on those streets if there are two inches or more of snow. Tickets for parking on the street are $25. If not paid within 10 days the fine increases to $40.

Some of the snow routes are Lincoln Highway from First Street to Seventh Street as well as Second Street and Third Street.

Cars parked along the designated snow routes can be towed by the city at the owner’s expense.

People also should remember not to park along the snow routes until the plowing is completed.

The plowing crews can do a much better job with the cooperation of the people in DeKalb, Chilton said.

NIU does not usually have a problem with parked cars blocking snow plows, NIU Grounds Foreman Tom Anderson said.

“With the kids moving in during Friday’s storm, we allow for it (cars parked along the street),” he said.

The snow storm on Friday prompted concerns for easier snow removal from the city and NIU.

“It wasn’t a major storm, but the cooperation of people makes it easier on the snow crews,” Chilton said.