Flags to line streets

By Sabryna Cornish

Look for the red, white and blue on Lincoln Highway early next week.

DeKalb citizens will be showing their support for the troops in the Middle East by flying the stars and stripes on the light posts that line Lincoln Highway, said Pam Blickem from DeKalb Economic and Finance Planning.

The flags will be flown “in honor of men and women now serving our country in the Middle East,” said Blickem.

“The flags will stay up until the crisis is resolved,” she said.

The flags will stay up through the night and during bad weather, Blickem said.

“It is legal and proper to leave a flag up at all times if it has a light on it,” she said.

The idea came from DeKalb Mayor Greg Sparrow, City Manager Mark Stevens and DeKalb citizens as well, Blickem said.

“It’s something we’ve wanted done,” she said.

Blickem said the city is requesting manpower to assist in hanging the flags and cash donations to buy more flags.

Twenty-five flags have already been purchased, she said. The flags cost about $40 each.

“Organizations and citizens are donating (for the flags),” Blickem said. “The Rotary Club in DeKalb will be donating $200.”

Blickem said businesses and citizens who donate time or money will get public recognition.

“We sent letters to about 25 organizations to request time or donations,” she said.

Anybody interested in donating time or money can contact Pam Blickem at the DeKalb Municipal Building, 200 S. Fourth Street.