SA elections premature
January 24, 1991
Something’s happening in March that’s a little premature.
In a little more than a month, NIU students will have the chance to vote for replacements to the Student Association execute board. It’s far too early.
The SA’s early dates will put a cog in its already slow start. Despite the beginning of the semester on Jan. 14, the senate hasn’t met. They’ll only be getting the ball rolling by the time they get fully embroiled in the heat of an election.
After the petition deadline – early February – a month will be devoted to debates and endorsements and campaigning. Then, shortly before Spring Break, it’ll come to a crashing climax with the election.
It’s too soon in the semester to start thinking about electing officers for next year’s SA, especially considering the winners do not take office until June.
Senators should be spending these winter months pushing for student representation and getting some business done rather than rallying around candidates.
If the SA can show that an earlier date is better, than perhaps the idea merits more support. SA Advertising Adviser John Quilico said the extra time will give the newly-elected board a better opportunity to interview committee advisers. However, the difference between a couple and a few months isn’t really that much.
The SA should reconsider its rush to the spring elections. There are other things that matter more.