Points invalid

In response to Robert Ferrara’s commentary last Friday, I would like to perhaps straighten out what he had to say.

His first point, that of subsidization of the tobacco industry by the government is true, but the government does not subsidize killing.

But it is hypocritical at the same time by working against the industry by the surgeon general.

The second point, that of income tax, is absurd. Why should the rich pay more percentage-wise than others?

I maintain that all should pay an equal tax since it is fair to everyone. Besides, it allows incentive to work more productively.

Thirdly, Ferrara does not differentiate between murder and killing. Murder is unlawful taking of life and killing is lawful.

The death penalty is the best deterrent for continued excessive murders. Murders have risen because capital punishment has taken a landslide.

The popular phrase “Thou shalt not kill” applies to unlawful murder, and taking this phrase out of context is ridiculous.

Fourthly, it is unfortunate that the government is not spending billions on the high frontier system. The system has a great possibility of defense and even Gorbachev admitted it.

Last of all, who cares if a symbol of Christianity—a Western foundation—is submerged in excitement? All civilized people should. You can’t burn our flag, but how would people react if it was saturated in urine?

Erik Gfesser

