Poor philosophy

I am writing in response to Campus Minister Scott Stocking’s letter entitled sex, not bowling.

Dear Scott,

In the aforementioned work, you made reference to philosophy, and to a logical flaw in Marc Alberts’ column on anti-homosexual arguments.

The potential for philosophical inquiry into the situation is much greater than the small refutation which you uncovered.

You state in the tenth paragraph of your letter on Nov. 29 that sexual intercourse is the “most important” form of communication between two people.

Yet you have a definite negative slant to your last paragraph, which is about sexual relationships. If the statement in paragraph 10 is true that the President should take Congress to Motel 6 then you should get an “F” in philosophy for contradiction.

In addition to the previous two statements, you make a third, that homosexual expression is, “…something that God does not like.”

Some Christians believe God does not like any sexual expression. Other Christians believe the ratio should be 12 women for every man.

Other Christians believe modern machines are to be avoided, and other people who aren’t Christians believe women should be circumcised so as to not enjoy sex at all.

In light of this evidence, I render your conclusion of what, “God does not like” to be as poor as the way you have written it.

A topic of philosophy is sophistry, or the attempt to sway public opinion, regardless of the truth.

What about your attempt, in the thirteenth paragraph, to link freedom of homosexual expression with violent crime? Where are your statistics for this, or are you just mixing sensitive issues?

You would do well to remember that you are a theological representative of this university, and that type of writing will not do.

For instance, another thing some Christians believe in is Armageddon, however, are you going to tell us that you’re packing Tritium in your stocking, Scott?[[XR]]

Joseph Shapera

