Service helps the minority

A Late Nite Ride Service for students with disabilities is a good idea.

The Student Association Mass Transit Board might start using the Handivan for students with disabilities for those who need to use the service. Current vehicles used are not accessible to students who use wheelchairs.

It’s about time all students where considered when providing a service at NIU. Minorities often get the shaft when a service is made for the majority.

People with disabilities are too often overlooked and restricted because of other people’s short-sightedness.

However, SAMTB Chairman Todd Allen will have to do some research to make sure the Handivan will be used. There’s no point in spending money on something never used.

There is only so much research one can do. Without input, that research is just a bunch of numbers and statistics that are notorious for falling short of reality. The minoity voices need to make themselves known otherwise the research is useless.

So the plan is about to get rolling, and with input could result in a better service and a more recognized minority that often gets pushed aside or forgotten in society.

If SAMTB keeps it up, the minority could become a part of the majority, which in effect will add a new awareness of the minority.