Holiday support
November 14, 1990
Recently the state of Arizona voted against Proposition 302, saying no to the proposed Martin Luther King paid state holiday.
In response to that action the NBA, NFL and other sports bodies have taken it upon themselves to punish Arizona economically for their deed.
The list of possible losses include the Super Bowl, the NBA All-Star as well as difficulty in finding participants in the annual collegiate post season Fiesta Bowl.
These actions have caused both sides of the issue (those pro-holiday as opposed to those not), to embark on letter-writing parades arguing for or against the feasibility of economic sanctions.
Some have gone as far to say these bodies shouldn’t concern themselves in political matters. I, in particular, have a problem with this line of reasoning.
First of all, just as Arizona had the right to say they didn’t want to honor Dr. King, the NFL or anyone else has the right to deny spending any money there.
The majority of the players in the NFL and NBA are African-American. Did Arizona honestly believe these players wouldn’t take exception to the rejection of King?
Arizona should also realize there are other people besides “blacks” who took offense to the snub. King was a hero to many Americans of all races.
These charges that he shouldn’t be looked at as a role model because of plagiarism and infidelity are utterly ridiculous. What hero didn’t have shortcomings?
King was great not because he was perfect but because he showed a profound bravery that helped shape and change this nation.
For those who argue “we are trying to force you to pay undesired homage,” I offer this; George Washington was no hero of mine. What the hell did Columbus do? He certainly wasn’t the first one to discover America.
The point I’m trying to make is that we all make allowances for each other. It was the principle this country was founded upon.
Also in case you forgot, Washington owned slaves. So cry if you want Arizona, I’m not listening. You have your rights and I have mine.
Terrance Dillard
Political Science/Public Law