Oil hypocrites
November 15, 1990
When the going gets tough, the confused go for coffee.
That’s the only explanation we have for the behavior of
aturday’s demonstrators, who should have revised their chant to say, “We shall not be, we shall not be moved—unless we need a caffeine fix.” (Of course, no one was trying to move them, but we digress … )
Anyway, seeing the “No blood for oil” evangelists step down off their makeshift asphalt pulpit, hop in their car, and come back with coffees in polystyrene cups … well you get the point.
At least you should, since I’ve highlighted all the references to oil in the above account.
Not all the demonstrators were guilty, and the overall theme of the rally was not unjust.
But, the actions of those gas-guzzling pseudo-revolutionaries made us wonder if the next protest wouldn’t be a drive-in night-time rally lit by Tiki torches, with commemorative plastic buttons and polyester tee shirts, and a battle cry of:
“We shall not give up, we shall not give up our petty conveniences for the sake of our own cause if we can help it.”
Kurt Kiesel
Graduate Student
Tom Long